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Positive Behavior Support

Long Neck Elementary is a Positive Behavior Support (PBS)/MTSS school.  PBS/MTSS is a collaborative project with the Delaware Department of Education.  The vision of Delaware PBS/MTSS is to promote a safe and caring learning environment that promotes the social-emotional and academic development of all children.  Long Neck Elementary will focus on providing our students with the skills needed to be successful, well-rounded students and citizens. Throughout the school year, our staff will model five leadership strategies that instill self-motivation, responsibility, and self-confidence. During the first week of school, your child will learn the five strategies that will support positive leadership behaviors, our school leader pledge, as well as the school and bus expectations.  Our students will become leaders within the building and play an important role in our school culture and community.  Students will become leaders within their classroom and school setting. Your child will learn how to set goals and create an action plan to achieve their goals. In addition, your child will use their leadership strategies to set and track goals.  Each student will document their goals in their Leader Notebook. Students will be able to earn PBS/MTSS Celebration Events by reaching their monthly/quarterly goals.

All classrooms will utilize the Class Dojo program. Class Dojo is a behavior management system that promotes positive behavior and provides a 2-way communication system. Parents will have the ability to view their child’s use of our positive leader strategies throughout the day with the use of Class Dojo App. Please note that teachers may not respond to messages during instruction or after school hours. Your child may receive positive and/or negative Leader Points.  We use this tool to teach and reinforce positive leadership strategies.  Please do not communicate transportation changes through the app, as the office will need a formal written notice of transportation/dismissal changes.  

Long Neck Elementary has various activities to reinforce and celebrate leadership and positive behavior throughout the year.  Throughout the school year, your child will participate in Leaders Day to demonstrate their positive leadership skills.  Students will also have the chance to earn various incentives for displaying positive behavior and academic success.  Students may earn, Leader of the Month and/or Shining Knight Referrals.

Please encourage your child to illustrate leadership skills and positive behavior throughout the school year.

MTSS Matrix